
Showing posts from February, 2020

How To Have A Healthy And Happy Garden

Few things are as satisfying as getting your hands into the earth, planting and nurturing and harvesting the fruits of your labors. Adding to the knowledge that you have used the best possible practices to grow healthy food redoubles your satisfaction. Here are some tips on organic gardening to help you grow a harvest that will bring health to you and your family. Finished compost can be soaked in water to create a potent brew for various gardening needs! This compost tea becomes a high-protein solution, rich in necessary nutrients you can use for foliar feedings, your backyard garden or even the plants that you keep indoors. Just another advantage of compost you can put to good use! If you do not want to expose your family to harmful pesticides in your garden, consider using organic pesticides. Organic pesticides do not have the harmful chemicals commonly found in ordinary pesticides. Fragrant herbs like rosemary, basil, and mint are often disliked by pests, and they are